Friday, November 18, 2011

The real difference between mensturasi with bleeding are:
- The remains of the menstrual cycle between 21-40 days in once period and between 1 -10 days long per periode.
- The amount of menstrual blood that comes out at approximately 35-50 cc per cycle (1-6 use of pads) / day
- The color of menstrual blood is maroon caused entirely lining of the uterus. While the bleeding that  comes out is fresh blood.

    Normal menstrual cycles for at least 15 days. If you have 15 days was menstrual again, means not normal. Or conversely, in 2-3 months period, means not normal. menarche or the beginning of a normal menstrual age is the age of puberty, most young people aged 8-10 years and 17-18 years at the latest. Two or three years before normal menstruation, usually already there are signs such as pubic hair and fine hair began to appear and breasts begin to grow. After that, woman get menstrual period.
    The first two to three years of menarche, menstruation may be irregular. But, if your period is more than 15 days continuously, must be treated. Because menstrual blood can cause infection. Blood coming out continuously in the vagina will allow germs in this area gets the food supply, so that it can cause infection.
    There are several factors that influence age of menarche, including weight and height, junk food that makes kids grow up faster, and has been the achievement of age (usually 8-10 years) or body weight 40 kg. If this has been achieved and the fat content is sufficient to produce the hormone estrogen, the female will menstruate.
    The second factor is heredity. For example, if the mother had menarche at a relatively young age, then the child could be getting menarche period at a relatively young age too, as well as menopause. Another factor that affects the child's knowledge about sex earlier cause can make accelerate this process.

    Menstrual Pain
    There are several types of menstrual disorders, among other periods that are too short or too long (cycle), or blood coming out too little or too much (amount). A bit of a large number of menstrual blood depends on the amount of blood loss from the uterine wall.
    Normally, the amount of blood loss during menstruation is 35-50 cc per one cycle. If the excess, could be due to hormonal imbalance. In women who are married, could be due to the use of  IUD (contraception) makes the uterus enlarged, allowing blood that came out a lot. It could also be due to excessive wall thickening, or because myom or cysts. Meanwhile, if the amount of menstrual blood that came out less, could be due to anemia (lack of blood).
    But, the most experienced woman actually is a disorder of menstrual pain. In fact, normal menstruation should not hurt. When it hurts, should be treated. When the pain, how pain? If prior to menstruation is usually due to premenstrual syndrome.
    Menstrual disorders also can be a symptom of certain diseases or disorders. The most immediate is the disruption of hormone imbalance. For example, too much estrogen. If menstrual blood is removed too much, then it automatically also drain excessive uterus, so sick. If excessive hormones, uterine contractions were excessive, so long may be a cyst.

    Is this menstruation?
    Handling depends on the cause menstrual disorders. Which must be ascertained is whether the blood was coming out of menstrual blood or not. Sometimes, there is the thought that the blood is menstrual blood out, but it was not. It could be bloody vaginal discharge, wounds due to polyps, or sores in the vaginal wall. So, the first cause must be diagnosed, treated .. new
    If a nuisance hormonal disorders (dysfunctional uterine bleeding / DUB), a doctor may regulate the menstrual cycle (cyclic) order basis. If there are anatomical abnormalities to be treated. For example there is a tumor, cyst, or myom. How big? Need surgery or not? And so forth
    No less important is the need of extra vaginal hygiene maintained at the time of menstruation. The principle of hygiene is clean and dry vagina. Dry is very important, because when menstruating, women use the pads constantly. The vagina is like a 9 cm long tube. If kept covered with a bandage can be damp and can cause vaginal discharge due to the fungus.
    Hence, the pads should be routinely changed every 3-4 hours. When you finish your period, do not need to wear thick pads, the pads are thin enough alone. If menstruation is clean, no need to wear a panty liner, simply wearing underwear made from cotton are porous. Use a cleanser that contains an antiseptic as well not be. We recommend using a cleanser with a pH balance, or simply use clean water flows.


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